Bank account
Find answers to our most frequently asked questions.
- What’s a ‘beta’ account?
- How do I sign up for a Zopa bank account?
- Am I eligible to open a Zopa bank account?
- What’s the status of my Zopa bank account application?
- My debit card has been sent to the wrong address, what should I do?
- What proof of address documents do you accept?
- Will opening a Zopa bank account require a credit check?
- How do I set up a Direct Debit?
- How do I add money to my account?
- Where can I find the account number and sort code for my bank account?
- How can I get paid into my Zopa bank account?
- What’s a Regular Saver pot?
- Why is my Zopa account sort code not being recognised?
- How do I view or change my PIN?
- How do I activate my debit card?
- I’ve opened my bank account but haven't received a debit card. What should I do?
- How does cashback work?
- How does interest on my bank balance work?
- How can I give feedback?
- Where can I find my debit card details?
- How do I change my PIN?
- Can the interest rate paid on my bank balance change?
- What fees apply to my account?
- I’ve lost my card, or someone’s stolen it, what should I do?
- How do I freeze and unfreeze my card?
- I need a new debit card, what should I do?
- How do I unblock my PIN?
- What fees apply when withdrawing money abroad?
- Can I use my card abroad?
- Why has my contactless transaction been declined?
- What exchange rate is used when spending in foreign currencies?
- How do I close my bank account?
- How long does it take for money to arrive in my account?
- Can I deposit cash or a cheque into my Zopa account?
- Can I receive bank transfers from abroad?
- Can I send bank transfers internationally?
- What transaction limits apply to my account?
- How do I switch from Zopa to another bank?
- What are pending payments?
- How do I cancel a continuous payment authority (CPA) from my debit card?
- What does ‘available balance’ mean?
- How long does it take for card pre-authorisation & funds on hold to clear?
- My account is overdrawn. What charges will be applied?
- Do I have to pay tax on my interest?
- What devices does Google Pay work with?
- Can I use Google Pay abroad?
- Is Google Pay safe?
- Where can I use Google Pay?
- What happens if my Android device is lost or stolen?
- What does the error ‘Card not added – contact your issuer’ mean?
- Will I get a get a notification if my transaction is declined?
- Will I see transactions made with Google Pay in the Zopa app?
- How many cards can I add to a single Google Wallet?
- Is there a limit on the number of devices I can add my Zopa debit card to?
- Can I re-add my card to my Google Wallet if delete it?
- How do I add my card to my Google Wallet?
- I’ve lost my card, or someone’s stolen it, what should I do?
- I think I've been scammed. What should I do?
- I recognise the merchant but want to dispute a debit card transaction. What should I do?
- How do I dispute a transaction?
- How do I dispute a debit card transaction if I don’t recognise the merchant?
- How do I dispute a Direct Debit payment?
- I’ve transferred money to the wrong person. What can I do?
- I can see a bank transfer that wasn't made by me. What should I do?
- What’s a Regular Saver pot?
- How do I open a Regular Saver pot?
- What will happen to my Regular Saver pot if I close my Zopa bank account?
- How do I add money to my Regular Saver pot?
- How will I know when the 12-month term on my Regular Saver pot is coming to an end?
- What happens when the 12-month term on my Regular Saver pot ends?
- Can I withdraw money from my Regular Saver pot?
- What’s the maximum amount I can save in a Regular Saver pot each month?
- What’s a monthly allowance period?
- Is there a minimum deposit required to open a Regular Saver pot?
- Am I eligible to open a Regular Saver pot?
- How do I make my Zopa debit card the default card on Apple Pay?
- I tried to add my card to my Apple Wallet, but I received this error: Card Not Added-Contact your issuer. What does this mean?
- Will I get a notification if my transaction is declined?
- Can I view my Apple Pay transactions on my phone?
- How many cards can I add to my Apple Wallet on a single device?
- How many Apple devices can I add my card to?
- Can I use Apple Pay to pay in an app?
- Can I re-add a card to my Apple Wallet if I’ve deleted it?
- Can I add my Zopa credit card to Apple Pay?
- What happens if I lose my device, or it’s stolen?
- How much can I spend using Apple Pay?
- Will I be charged for using Apple Pay?
- Is my card information protected with Apple Pay?
- What’s a ‘beta’ account?
- What are some things I can’t do yet on the beta Zopa account?
- How can I get paid into my Zopa bank account?
- I'm having issues when setting up a Direct Debit. What should I do?
- How do you verify my identity?
- I’m having trouble verifying my identity. What should I do?
- What should I do if I’ve entered the wrong personal details?
- What is Mitek?
- How do I cancel a Direct Debit?
- How do I set up a Direct Debit?
- How do I set up a standing order?
- What are variable recurring payment (VRP) limits?
- What is a variable recurring payment (VRP)?
- How do I use the Zopa app to make payments from my non-Zopa bank accounts?
- Which linked bank accounts can I make payments from in the Zopa app?