Take your savings to the next level
Boost your way to smarter savings
Watch your savings take off by opening Boosted interest pots. In return for all that extra interest, you just need to give notice within the app before accessing your savings. The longer the notice period, the higher the interest rate.
Save your way with personalised pots
Name your pots for your personal goals, whether you're saving for a new car or that future trip to Mars. They're easy to open and manage within the app.
Get the best of both worlds
While you can take away temptation with Boosted pots - where you need to provide notice before dipping in - Access pots allow you to withdraw any time without penalties or fees.
Start a healthy savings habit
Setting money aside regularly is another way to reach your goals quicker, so we’ve made that easy with our auto-save feature. Pick a transfer amount and frequency that suit you and we'll take care of the rest.
A pot for every goal
Access pots
Access money
Boosted pots
7 days' notice
31 days' notice
95 days' notice
*AER stands for 'annual equivalent rate'. We pay you interest on a monthly basis, but AER shows you the rate you’d get if this monthly interest was compounded and paid once a year instead. We provide an AER to make it easier for you to compare our rates with other providers. These rates are variable, which means they could change in the future.
**We pay gross interest, which means nothing is deducted for tax.
The interest rates on Boosted pots are tied to the Bank of England base rate. If the base rate changes, your Boosted pot rates will change by the same amount.
Interest rates may change if we update them whilst you’re browsing.
Download our app to start saving
Your money's secure
Your eligible deposits, meaning the money you hold with Zopa, are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), the UK's deposit guarantee scheme. Any money you hold above this limit is unlikely to be covered.
Please ask for further information or visit www.fscs.org.uk.
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More ways to save with us
There are other ways to grow your money with Zopa. Visit our Smart Savings Hub page to find out more.
Explore Smart Savings Hub