Smart ISA. Earn up to 5.01%* AER, tax-free

Save with confidence in our flexible cash ISA. Spread your allowance across Access and Fixed Term ISA pots to create a tax-free home for your money. 
  • Open an account in minutes

  • Effortlessly transfer your ISA to us through our app

  • Create personalised ISA pots

Tax treatment depends on your circumstances and may be subject to change. You can save up to £250,000 across your Smart Savings Hub pots.

*This rate is available on Access ISA pots. It includes a 3-month fixed bonus rate of 1.21% AER, which starts from the date you open a Smart ISA.

Head to the Smart Savings Hub in our app to apply for a Smart Saver account. Once that's open, you can apply for a Smart ISA, too.
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Bring your big plans to life

Transfer your existing cash ISAs

Want to move an existing cash ISA to Zopa? Request a transfer in the app in just a few taps — there's no paperwork in sight.

You can transfer a minimum of £500, and the money will land in your Smart ISA within 15 business days.

Take control of your money

Because life happens, we’ve made Smart ISA flexible. You can take money out when you need to and put it back within the same tax year, without affecting your ISA allowance.

 Please note, if you want to access money in a Fixed Term ISA pot before the term ends, you’d need to break the term and pay an interest charge.

Split your ISA allowance across personalised pots

You’ll have one flexible cash ISA, but within that, you can spread your allowance across different ISA pots. With Access ISA pots, you're able to withdraw your money at any time, but your rate can change. Or you can lock your money away for 1–5 years in Fixed Term ISA pots in return for a fixed interest rate. It’s your call. 

Manage your money in one place 

Everything you need to stay on top of your savings is in the Smart Savings Hub. You can open a Smart Saver in minutes to get access to Smart ISA. Then add and manage your ISA pots on the go. It’s that easy.

Earn a bonus rate on Access ISA pots

We're offering new Smart ISA customers a 3-month fixed bonus rate of 1.21% AER* on top of the underlying 3.80% AER* (3.73% gross**) variable Access ISA pot rate.

This means you'll earn a total of 5.01% AER* (4.89% gross**) variable on Access ISA pots for 3 months from the date you open a Smart ISA.

Meet our ISA pots

Access ISA pots


Gross** variable

Access money



Access Anytime

Fixed Term ISA pots


Gross** fixed

Access money



1 year term



2 years term



3 years term



4 years term



5 years term

*AER stands for 'annual equivalent rate'. We pay you interest on a monthly basis, but AER shows you the rate you’d get if this monthly interest was compounded and paid once a year instead. We provide an AER to make it easier for you to compare our rates with other providers.

**We pay gross interest, which means nothing is deducted for tax.

The Access ISA pots rate includes a 3-month fixed bonus rate of 1.21% AER*, which starts from the date you open a Smart ISA.

Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and could change in the future.

The interest rates shown may change if we update them whilst you’re browsing.

Download our app to start saving

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Your money's secure

Your eligible deposits, meaning the money you hold with Zopa, are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), the UK's deposit guarantee scheme. Any money you hold above this limit is unlikely to be covered.

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Ready to start saving with Smart ISA?

To get started, download our app, head to the Smart Savings Hub and apply for a Smart Saver account. Once that’s opened, you’ll be able to apply for a Smart ISA.

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More ways to save with us

There are other ways to grow your money with Zopa. 
Visit our Smart Savings Hub page to find out more.

Explore Smart Savings Hub