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2019 – Zopa’s year in the news

As we welcome in the New Year, we take a look back at our highlights from 2019 that were covered by the press. From announcing o...

What the new peer-to-peer regulations mean for you

In June 2019, the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) released its final review of peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms and introduced a...

Translating the new peer-to-peer rules

As part of the new Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulations on the peer-to-peer (P2P) industry which come into effect on 9 ...

Know your Borrowing Power: What’s an APR?

If you need a loan or a credit card, how do you judge which one is best for you? While there are a number of factors you might w...

Know your Borrowing Power: Affordability and your disposable income

You may feel confident that you can easily pay back a loan or mortgage, but whoever you are asking to borrow from will want to m...

Know Your Borrowing Power: Credit usage explained

When lenders look assess whether they want to lend to you, part of the decision involves looking at how well you are borrowing m...

Know Your Borrowing Power: Credit scores explained

If you were to lend someone a significant amount of money, you’d want a rough idea of how likely they were to repay you, right? ...

Power Up: Borrowing Power and your money

Borrowing Power is Zopa’s latest tool to help you feel good about your money. It’s an in-app tool that helps you get the best ra...

The tech behind Borrowing Power

Using a unique combination of AI and data science to create our latest tool Today, we launched Borrowing Power, a new tool that ...

Car finance drives consumers round the bend - 9 in 10 UK adults confused by car finance options

9 in 10 can’t identify cheapest finance deal Nearly half of car buyers can’t identify the car finance they signed up for 1 in 4 ...

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