Our past Smart Savings Hub rates
Here's a list of all the changes we've made to the interest rates on our Smart Savings Hub products over time, excluding any bonus rates.
To check what interest rate you're currently earning, simply head to your Smart Savings Hub in the Zopa app.
Effective date
Monthly interest rate (%)
Access pot
7-day Boosted pot
31-day Boosted pot
95-day Boosted pot
Access ISA pot
AER stands for 'annual equivalent rate'. We pay you interest on a monthly basis, but AER shows you the rate you’d get if this monthly interest was compounded and paid once a year instead.
Gross interest is the rate of interest we apply to your money, before any tax is taken off.
Your money's secure
Your eligible deposits, meaning the money you hold with Zopa, are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), the UK's deposit guarantee scheme. Any money you hold above this limit is unlikely to be covered.
Please ask for further information or visit www.fscs.org.uk